Friday, July 29, 2016

A Chef's Life (2013-2015)

Just caught up with Season 3.

I've been watching the show at random, but I saw PBS was running all three seasons in order, got it all on the DVR, and watched the whole thing in order. I remember almost every episode, so I think I've already seen the whole show already.

It cleared up a lot of confusion. I don't think I got it at first just how chronological it is, and major milestones, such as having one restaurant or two, or having various size children running about, etc. were confusing at first.

Is there anything else like this show? Part documentary, part cooking show, part life story. It's absolutely fascinating, though if I didn't find every facet of it interesting, maybe I wouldn't think so.

Its got bits and pieces of shows like Bourdain's various globe trotting shows, where local ingredients and farmers are featured. There's a little bit of cooking instruction, but it never gets too long to be boring, and usually ties into whatever food production was featured that episode. There's a fair bit of life drama, what with the kids and marital and family relationships. There's also a nice bit of business insight, as we learn about staffing problems, crisis management, getting ingredients from other local business people, etc.

If all that wasn't enough, we're also slowly seeing the revitalization of a failing town. It also helps that its shot well. This is something you always get on Bourdain's show (probably due to Zero Point Zero production), but rarely elsewhere.

The show covers so much, but rarely mentions itself, even at the end of season 3 when there's a long (for this show) self-reflecting monologue. To me it seems one of the few flaws of the show. They'll go into such detail about some little mishap, or someone's feelings about it, but everyone pretends there isn't a film crew following them around. If I'm complaining, and this isn't a big one, its that everyone does a little too good of a job ignoring the cameras, that it makes you question the net sincerity of the whole endeavour. Or maybe people just get used to cameras after a while.

Looking forward to season four, which seems to be in the works. I wonder if she finished her book. Reading the wiki.... checking their site:, season four is coming this September (2016). The restaurant has a site too: The book is coming out in October.

In the curious mix of the unreality of TV and the some kind of reality of a documentary, there is the realization the the restaurant is a real place, and I could go eat there. Right now. By chance, I might even see someone I recognize, and if lucky/unlucky, end up in the background of a show. I could actually visit a TV show, with the tiny possibility of appearing in the background of it. Think of all the countless fantasy worlds that go by on the TV - how many can you actually go visit? It gives you some insight to what Vivian must deal with all the time, wondering who she even is at the end of season 3.