Friday, May 18, 2018

Handmaid's Tale season 2 (2018)

About halfway through the season - when did this show turn into torture porn? Did they do some testing and find that people really just want to watch our hero suffer and stare into space a lot? And because there's only so much of that you can do, we need to introduce B and C level characters who suffer even crueler fates?

I don't know who the hero of this story is but the villain is June. Everyone she touches is made worse by the interaction. June routinely gets people to risk their lives at the wrong time and get stomped on for it. But June is a survivor, and often gets away with it with little more than an inconvenience.

Season two should have been an episode or two, and then on to the revolution. It felt really stretched. And yet this is Hulu's cash cow so of course it will be watered down some more and pushed out again.

Lost In Space season 1 (2018)

Saw episode one last night. It's not good, but its good enough. Those of us who want to watch sci-fi learn to lower the bar or go without. It might get better, but first impressions are usually mostly correct.

I vaguely remember quitting on episode 2 or 3 as it got exponentially dumber.