Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Wandering Earth [ 流浪地球 ] (2019)

I was attracted to this because it was by Liu Cixin (刘慈欣), and because its sci-fi.

I loved the Three-Body Problem trilogy, so I had high hopes this would be decent. In the moment, just having watched it, I can't say, but I got through it with no problem, so it had to be at least OK. I feel like I'm at least learning about what memes and tropes work for a Chinese audience (family, sacrifice, working together, etc.), and that's enough reason to watch.

The science is rough, bordering on fantasy, but its easy to excuse it as lost in translation. I read and like so much of the author that I'm willing to suspend disbelief, even if the movie totally betrayed it (as movies so often do). I feel like I'm watching 1950's/60's sci-fi, where its kind of rough but sincere, and I'm rooting for it even as I don't quite buy it.

But, if you aren't already a fan of Liu Cixin, or classic sci-fi, I don't know how you can get through this.