Saturday, October 6, 2018

Reign of Fire (2002)

Looking for stuff to watch on HBO Now before cancelling (end of promotion pricing); find Reign of Fire, don't think I watched it, got some name actors, why not give it a try.

There's a lot to nitpick here, like a magical helicopter that never needs refueling, but in a dragon movie, you're willing to just let that go. It's basically a zombie movie, and the difference is there's a lead zombie you can kill to win the war.

Plot doesn't matter, but writing and acting does. Good actors, OK writing in some spots but mostly just OK.

Production is overall good, but they made everyone look too pretty. We're supposed to be on the knife edge of hunger here, but everyone looks like they've been feasting on craft services. They could have at least made people look a little more gaunt and harrowed with makeup, but no.

When did CGI get good? Because 2002 dragons from a medium range look pretty decent, but up close do not pass.

I feel bad for the good actors here, who had very little good writing to work with, but sold it fairly well anyway.

I think I've watched this before, but its so forgettable I don't recall. Part of the reason I am writing this blog is to remind future self you have been here before, please don't bother coming this way again.