Friday, February 22, 2019

Russian Doll (2019)


Does this genre have a name? I just think of it as Groundhog's Day movies. But I think it goes back much further, wouldn't "It's a Wonderful Life" be a primitive ancestor? Off to tvtropes for the answer... and the first link is to /GroundhogDayLoop. Though there are many of these stories, I guess Groundhog's Day really does deserve to be the namer.

And as good as Groundhog's Day is, these stories all have the same problem: its extremely entertaining to set up the loop and watch our hero experiment with it, but then, because its a story, some sort of conclusion has to be forced on to it. Of course it can be very hard to come up with some new metaphysics to explain this, so its easier to just not explain it (Groundhog, Russian Doll) but it leaves one a little unsatisfied. I can think of at least one example where the looping method is explained, Edge of Tomorrow, but that movie also has a forced happy ending, and so is unsatisfying at the end for a different reason.

Not thinking about this show at all, its kind of unmemorable, but it was fun and I would happily watch hours more if anything like it was available.