Sunday, April 21, 2019

Sherlock series 1-4 (2010-2017)

Desperate for something to watch, this comes up in some Netflix recommendation list, so why not. It's actually pretty good, better than expected so I'm willing to try more. There are some problems I hope they overcome, but it is the first episode, so I know that often causes strange characterization and writing and acting that can get better over time.


I like the premise, its kind of a no-brainer to take a successful old franchise and make it new, but its rarely done well, so that's a big early hurdle already overcome. Characters are coming along nicely, I really enjoy the fake intro of Moriarty that turns into real intro of Mycroft.

I like the serial killer and his technique, but I've got a big problem with Watson just murdering him in cold blood and and everyone walking off into the sunset after having a laugh about it. When you update anything, making it harder and edgier is an obvious choice, but this is a mess. Watson sees a stranger and Holmes taking a pill. The audience knows the threat but Watson can not. Watson can't see the danger, and we know he doesn't have near enough info to figure it out on the spot (though Holmes may have, Watson is not being set up as that kind of character). The fake gun is already dismissed and back out of sight. The only way they could have sold Watson taking a kill shot is if he's got the gun trained on Holmes (and Watson thinks he's making him kill himself with a pill). But that's already impossible as Holmes figured out its fake so there's no reason to point it. Maybe if the killer had the gun still in hand, just in hand, so Watson could think its a threat? Otherwise, how to justify a killing shot. Since there's no obvious threat, why not just shoot through the windows, distracting the killer, and letting Holmes take some action. I guess we're supposed to think that Watson thought Holmes was being forced to take the pill, but they could have sold it a little better. It's sloppy because it makes Watson seem like the real psychopath, especially with the whole laughing it off at the end. It was still a good episode, but it missed greatness by just a little bit.

I'm up to Season 3, about to watch Episode 2.
I don't remember what episode it was, but Watson says we need to call the cops, and Holmes says OK, steps outside (in a nice neighborhood) and fires his gun into the air, and calmly walks back in saying something like 'that ought to do it' while Watson makes his exasperated face. I'm hooked, I'm watching this entire series.

Stories, character, dialogue, it all works well enough, but sometimes it gets so fanciful it starts getting into fantasy territory, but so far not enough to ruin it.

I love the slow trickle of information about the background and history of the Holmes brothers. I wonder if I'd be able to read the source material now, or if I would find it boring.

Just saw the final episode (of Season 4).
I am in the unusual position of being... satisfied. This happens so infrequently, I'm at a loss. Of course I want more, but I know more could just dilute a solution that is just right. It was nice of them to end it on a note of 'and they went on to have many more interesting adventures', and of course you want to see those adventures, but you don't need to.

I look forward to reading more about the series, and maybe revisiting the source material, but for now, I want for nothing.