Wednesday, November 9, 2022

See season 3 ()

{note from a year later: I've never seen so many typos, but I was in a hospital bed, so I'm not embarrassed, and I'm not fixing it}

Ep1 blind prople scaling a sheer cliff face. I just don't know.. trapping big game, smoking herbs.
Letting the old queen just sit there with their baby.

Explosives, makes sense, its about time. But how did we go so quickly  from primitively timed fused bombs to pressure sensitive land mines?

The enemy comes deep into enemy territory to take out baba. They put 1 landmine outside his house, blow up a minor character, and leave seemingly satisfied? All that way and no body verification. Or maybe they ate supposed to come off as overconfident, but thats s lot.

Is anybody even in character anymore? I feel like i dont knoe any of these people. Only evil queen is consistent in her ability to stay alive and keep doing evil.

Cmon whos storu is this anyway? Evil queen story is long since played out.

This really is the Queen Sibeth show. Looks like this is the last season, snd i am happy about that.

Ep5 always sad to see a library burn but it made sense to destroy Merlin's castle. And, of course, there are others.

Ep6 cannibal episode

Ep7 so.... Trebuchets now .

Ep8 done.
Babas heroic ending is good.
Kofuns ending makes story sensr, but its still tediculous. Self mutilation is never the answer.
Haniwa ending is ok, but its hard to imagine Manhattan being empty.
The two queens story is completely forgettable, and just served as a whip to move some kind of story along.

I enjoyed the premise of the show in beginning. It seemed reasonably well founded, where everything was based on deeper uses of the other senses. But as the story scaled up it strayed from that. More and more shortcuts removed me ftom the story. If i could do it iver i wokld probably just watch seasone one and be done