Monday, April 23, 2018

Westworld season 2 (2018)

Resubscribe to HBO just to watch Westworld.

After the mysterious season one ender, there's a surprising amount of actual new information, but still no visit to the real world. More like the real world comes to us, in the form of soldiers and some salvage mission.

Now more than ever, you don't know who's human and who's a repli^H^H^H^H^H rob^H^H^H host. But now we've seen the hosts brain, and its a plasticy metally structure the size of an orange inside the skull - you'd think this would be trivial to scan for, even at a distance. These soldiers should have equipment that lets them easily do this, but the plot seems to require they don't.

The conversation between the man in black / park owner and the park operator / Anthony Hopkins as a kid felt really cool and pivotal to the story, and utterly undercut by the weird voice affect they decided to shoehorn in. It almost worked, but it was so overproduced I couldn't make out the words.

That was a very nice episode one, looking forward to next Sunday.

About four or five episodes in. I've been wondering if the real world was going to be exotic or mundane, they went with mundane. I'm a little disappointed, I guess I wanted to see a clean and antiseptic utopia, to contrast the dirty and chaotic theme parks. Or maybe aliens. Well, there's still always time for it to turn out that the human race died long ago, and newer model A.I.s are playing with the old.

Just how real world is the theme park? It seems huge, and yet there's never any air traffic. Now that the park is in a state of emergency, why not send in the air cavalry to take back the park? Why isn't there a backup command center in case the inner one falls? Why isn't there a kill switch that would shut down every bot in the park. I'm still extending credit on suspension of disbelief, but I feel like I'm not going to get my money back.

I guess I never wrote anything about the ending of season two? I guess it left that little of an impression on me. I'm not sure if this show is just flailing about, struggling to stretch the narrative to deal with unexpected success, or if they're actually going somewhere with this. I feel like its the second Matrix movie, where they are obviously starting to go off the rails, but we're hoping they can still save it.