Thursday, April 14, 2016

no second watch

I sometimes see people mention that they're watching their favorite series again, sometimes even a third time. Thinking back to my favorite series, I can't think of one I've watched twice. I've thought about watching them again, but it keeps not happening.

This would be a good time to recount favorite series.

ST:TOS (60s) the first example is almost a counter-example, lots of re-runs on TV, lots of random watching. But since the days where all the media could be accessed at once, I haven't sat down and watched it from beginning to end.

BSG (80s)

Max Headroom (80s)

Babylon 5 (90s)

DS9 (90s)

Daria (90s)

Buffy/Angel (90s)

Lost (2000s)

Firefly (2000s)

BSG reboot (2000s)

Aang / Korra (2000s)

The only series I'm close to wanting to see again right now are the Avatar series, which should be easy because I think they're all on Amazon Prime.