Saturday, October 14, 2017

Spy Kids (2001)

The only reason I watched this is because my favorite movie review podcast (Double Feature) recommended it. Its been so long, I don't even remember why, but I tried it anyway.

It was a kids movie not for me, but was it a good one? Speaking as a former kid, I have no idea if I could have related to this then. The world it takes place in so fantastical (hyper James Bond tech, not the physics or physiology of this world, civilians have little reaction to public displays of monsters or future tech, etc.), its hard to relate to anything human in this movie. If you want to get through this, you just have to accept the fundamental premise of this world and go with it.

I got through it, but I was left with absolutely nothing for the time spent. Then I listened to that podcast again and gained a bit of an appreciation for it, but without that I'd be left with nothing.