Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Happening (2008)

I feel bad for these competent and sincere actors who have to try and breathe life into this wooden dialogue. There's a bit of charm in how low budget activities, like people milling about a train station or wind through the brush, can invoke some real dread. But then the exposition dumps are dropped, in the form of authorities on TV, and the movie completely undercuts itself, not trusting you dummies - the audience - not to get the message.

The message is on the chalkboard right from the beginning of the movie, mess with the Earth and it will mess with you. And it will do so in ways that are so supernatural and fast that science will be of no help to you. The movie tries to invoke science, but actually uses magic to try and make the story work.

Again, I feel bad for these actors and crew who put in good work, but this movie rings false throughout.